Forest House Bar

Forest House Bar

4.61 ( 1 votes )
City: Pattaya
Action: Hang out show spots

A well laid out pub at a gate to Sunee Plaza from Soi VC

General info

Open / Close 17.00 - 02.00
City area Sunee Plaza
Spot's type Bar / Pub
Attributes Alcohol Soft drinks Appetizer Playback Billiard pool Live TV sport
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The bar is open since 2001. Large double sized bar on the corner of Sunee Plaza and Soi VC. The boys will welcome you as you walk into the place and start your adventure. Recently renovated with new smaller bar and the same friendly service.Large double sized bar on the corner of Sunee Plaza and Soi VC. The boys will welcome you as you walk into the place and start your adventure. Recently renovated with new smaller bar and the same friendly service. Forest House Bar has a pool table and TV that shows sport programms. Visitors are mixed and older, but it's lovely place to sit at comfy chair and look who is coming in and going out of Sunee.

Contacts & map

Mobile: +66 (0) 9 0148 4698
Address: Pattaya Sai 2 Soi 17, Pattaya, Thailand
Hits: 1853
Last modified on 22 February 2019
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Users' reviews
Bar with cutties [narak]

They have many friendly lads who would love to serve you and make you comfortable. It's a great place for sitting and watching people walking in to the soi off the street.

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