
Dreizehn - gay bar

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City: Berlin
Action: Hang out show spots

Calm and cozy bar with a serene atmosphere

General info

Open / Close 14:00 - 05:00
City area Schöneberg
Spot's type Bar / Pub
Attributes Alcohol Soft drinks Appetizer Playback
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One of the oldest gay establishments, opened in 1981. In 2013, in connection with the change of owner, the bar received a new round of development.
Today, Dreizehn is an old-fashioned pub-stylied gay bar attracting a more mature guys. The bar serves plenty of beer, spirits, wine and more on offer. Happy hours are on Monday to Friday from 2pm till 5pm when customer get drink less than 2 euro.
Located at gay area Schöneberg close to gay-bar Prinzknecht.

Contacts & map

Phone: +49 (0) 30 2363 2212
Website: www.dreizehn-berlin.com
Address: 27, Welserstr. (Welserstraße), Berlin, Germany
Hits: 1237
Last modified on 25 March 2019
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