Heile Welt

Heile Welt - gay bar

The spot haven't got any review
City: Berlin
Action: Hang out show spots

The chic bar with its own charming atmosphere is always full of hot guys

General info

Open / Close 19:00-02:00 (Su-Th), 19:00-04:00 (Fr-Sa)
City area Schöneberg
Spot's type Bar / Pub
Attributes Alcohol Soft drinks Appetizer Playback
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Heile Welt means to cure the world. The institution is engaged in useful work - it treats our sick world. The treatment uses the relaxed and comfortable atmosphere and a wide selection of drinks. The bar is popular with both tourists locals. It's great for pre-clubbing.

Contacts & map

Phone: +49 (0) 30 2191 7507
Address: 5, Motzstr (Motzstraße), Berlin, Germany
Hits: 1070
Last modified on 21 March 2019
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