Tarntawan Place Hotel

Tarntawan Place Apartments

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City: Bangkok
Action: Stay show spots

LGBT friendly three stars hotel located in a heart of nightlife at Suravong road in a minute distance from gay bars and clubs

General info

Open / Close 24 hours
City area Silom
Spot's type Restaurant Accommodation
Attributes Alcohol Soft drinks Food Appetizer Private rooms Gym Swimming pool
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This hotel, according to information from official web-site, recommended by gay guide Spartacus since 1995. The hotel is located on Suravong road, just 5 minutes walk from the skytrain station (BTS) Saladeang. A distinctive feature of this hotel is that the visitor can eat his breakfast at any time of the day. This is very convenient for those who love nightlife and wake up afternoon. There is also a restaurant, a small fitness and swimming pool.

Contacts & map

Phone: +66 (0) 2634 0071
Mobile: +66 (0) 8 4649 3522
Fax: +66 (0) 2634 0074
Website: www.tarntawan.com
Email: apartments@tarntawan.com
Address: 119/5-10, Surawong Road, Bangkok, Thailand
Hits: 1123
Last modified on 18 January 2019
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