Betty F

Betty F*** - gay bar

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City: Berlin
Action: Hang out show spots

A small cozy gay bar in the historic part of Berlin gets very busy on weekends

Open / Close 20:00 - 03:00 (Su-Th), 20:00 - 05:00 (Fr-Sa)
City area Schöneberg
Spot's type Bar / Pub
Attributes Alcohol Soft drinks DJ music Playback
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Betty F *** is located at the very heart of the historic Scheunenviertel in central part of Berlin. The underground bar is special because of its unique small size what gives it a charm. The small room forced the owners to create a comfortable and cozy layout. Another feature is that it serves Kölsch draft beer. On weekends, many gays and lesbians begin their long night in Betty F *** before heading to a party. Many also love to come for the last drink. Some guys just stop there till closing. Suddenly everyone starts dancing under the bits of 80s and 90s hits


Mobile: +49 (0) 16 3401 2863


Address: 13, Mulackstr. (Mulackstraße), Berlin, Germany

Hits: 1193
Last modified on 25 March 2019
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