Tapas Cafe by Spanish on 4

Tapas Cafe by Spanish on 4

The spot haven't got any review
City: Bangkok
Action: Eat show spots

The name of the spot speaks for itself: the restaurant offer Spanish cuisine tapas.

General info

Open / Close 11.00 - 02.00
City area Soi 4, Silom
Spot's type Restaurant
Attributes Alcohol Soft drinks Food Appetizer
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The former name of the spot is Spanish on 4. Recently they made rebrand because another venue of the same ower with the same name which located at Sukhumvit road works fine for many years.

This restaurant at Silom is a subdivision of Tapas Cafe popular at another bangkokian area Sukhumvit. Both places offer Spanish dishes tapas since the restaurant specializes on that. Tapas are served here with authentic Spanish flavor.
In Spain tapas are eaten as snacks, served for drinking alcoholic beverages. Outside of Spain tapas restaurants are used for dinner when people want to choose from an extensive menu of dishes. But in Tapas Cafe by Spanish on 4 you can stop by and have a quick snack or a full breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Contacts & map

Phone: +66 (0) 2632 9955
Website: www.spanishon4.com
Address: 78-80, Soi 4, Silom Road, Bangkok, Thailand
Hits: 1295
Last modified on 21 January 2019
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