Respecton Vol. 1

Respecton Vol. 1 - gay friendly karaoke

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City: Bangkok
Action: Sing show spots

New karaoke spot close to Silom gay entertainments

General info

Open / Close 18.00 - 02.00
City area Silom
Spot's type Bar / Pub Restaurant Karaoke
Attributes Alcohol Soft drinks Food Appetizer Karaoke
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The spot was opened at October 2018. Created in Japanese style gay-friendly darks bar with karaoke invite people to enjoy singing favorite songs. Pick the song and sing the night away. They have wide choice songs from Japanese, Thai, Chinese, Korean and English songs. They have kitchen so customer can enjoy meal choosing from a variety of asian cuisine, ranging from traditional Thai and Japanese food and drinks including Japanese liquor (shochu, sake etc.).

Contacts & map

Mobile: +66 (0) 8 3009 8183
Address: 58/18-20 (3F), Silom Road, Bangkok, Thailand
Hits: 1214
Last modified on 22 January 2019
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