Cafe Berio

Café Berio - gay restaurant

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City: Berlin
Action: Eat show spots

A popular gay restaurant in the Schöneberg district of Berlin with more than 50 years history

General info

Open / Close 06.00 - 03.00
City area Schöneberg
Spot's type Bar / Pub Restaurant
Attributes Alcohol Soft drinks Food Appetizer
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The cafe / bar is located in a two-story building, as well as a terrace, open during the summer months. Suitable for both a light snack, and for a substantial breakfast, lunch and dinner. Although the cafe was originally focused on LGBT, heterosexual clients have long chosen this place for its delicious cuisine. In the cafe a large selection of pastries.

Contacts & map

Phone: +49 (0) 3 0216 1946
Address: 7, Maassenstr (Maaßenstraße), Berlin, Germany
Hits: 1139
Last modified on 01 March 2019
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