The Stranger Bar

The Stranger Bar

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City: Bangkok
Action: Hang out show spots

One of the most popular gay bar at Silom with cabaret show

General info

Open / Close 17.30 - 02.00
City area Soi 4, Silom
Spot's type Bar / Pub
Attributes Alcohol Soft drinks Appetizer Playback Cabaret show
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The bar was opened at 2013 and for really short time become the hit of gay night life. Spot is decorated in the style of the New York bar, offers energy beats, great cocktails and drinks and a modern atmosphere. The main feature of this venue is funny travesty cabaret show with ladyboys that performs every night. In addition in the early hours the bar offers drinks at special prices (happy hours).

The bar is located at the middle of Silom Soi 4 between The Connections bar and Telephone pub. 

Contacts & map

Phone: +66 (0) 2632 9425
Address: 114, Soi 4, Silom Road, Bangkok, Thailand
Hits: 1462
Last modified on 14 December 2018
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