Sunrise Tacos restaurant

Sunrise Tacos - restaurant

The spot haven't got any review
City: Bangkok
Action: Eat show spots

Mexican restaurant right on the corner Silom Road and alley Silom Soi 4

General info

Open / Close 11.00 - 02.00
City area Soi 4, Silom
Spot's type Restaurant
Attributes Alcohol Soft drinks Food Appetizer Playback
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You don't need to go to Mexica to enjoy mexican food. Restaurant's network Sunrise Tacos offer traditional mexican food in a few places in Bangkok and one of the is located on the corner Silom Soi 4 and Silom. The main principle of the restaurant is to treat visitors not as customers but as family members. Price is reasonable, food is deliciouse, location is convinient - that's all what we can say about restaurant Sunrise Tacos shorly. But you can leave your own opinion below. 

Contacts & map

Phone: +66 (0) 2632 8588
Address: 114/19-20, Silom Road, Bangkok, Thailand
Hits: 1225
Last modified on 21 January 2019
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