Male Box Sauna

Male Box Sauna

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City: Bangkok
Action: Bathe show spots

A small gay sauna located in a non-touristic location on the opposite bank of the city center

General info

Open / Close 15.00 - 00.00
City area Thon Buri
Spot's type Bathhouse
Attributes Alcohol Soft drinks Karaoke Rooftop Gym Steam room Jacuzzi Dark rooms Cruising zone
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Male Box Sauna is located in a place surrounded by Central Rama 2 shopping mall. The main visitors are local Thais. The sauna is equipped with all the necessary attributes for a gay bathe. The sauna is located in one block of a five-level townhouse:
- first floor: reception, underwear shop, locker, group, bar with karaoke:
- second floor (air conditioned): locker, maze, common dark room;
- third floor (air conditioned): private dark rooms;
- fourth floor: 
steam room, dry sauna, shower, gym, common dark room;
- fifth floor: 
rooftop with garden, jacizzi and karaoke.

Contacts & map

Phone: +66 (0 2848 1190
Mobile: +66 (0) 8 1895 7794
Address: 59/481, Soi Rama II 52, Rama II Road, Bangkok, Thailand
Hits: 1999
Last modified on 28 January 2019
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