Le Siam Hotel

Le Siam Hotel

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City: Bangkok
Action: Stay show spots

An excellent 4-star hotel in a heart of gay entertainments at Silom area

General info

Open / Close 24 hours
City area Silom
Spot's type Bar / Pub Restaurant Accommodation
Attributes Alcohol Soft drinks Food Appetizer Private rooms Swimming pool
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A former hotel's name - The Swiss Lodge. The hotel really is in the "right" place. Next to it are several massage parlors and just 150 meters away is the famous Silom Soi 4, which has several popular LGBT spots. Another advantage is the proximity to the subway and skytrain stations.
The hotel has a nice restaurant with a large choice of dishes and a popular bar. The hotel has a large outdoor swimming pool, as well as a pool for children, which makes it not only LGBT friendly, but also family friendly.

Contacts & map

Phone: +66 (0) 2233 5345
Website: lesiamhotel.com
Email: reservation@lesiamhotel.com
Address: 3, Convent Road, Bangkok, Thailand
Hits: 1161
Last modified on 18 January 2019
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