Heaven Sauna

Heaven Sauna

4.61 ( 1 votes )
City: Bangkok
Action: Bathe show spots

Gay sauna that attracts chubby guys, bears, mature men and them admirers

General info

Open / Close 13.00 - 00.00
City area Silom
Spot's type Bar / Pub Restaurant Bathhouse
Attributes Alcohol Soft drinks Food Appetizer Sunloung zone Gym Steam room Jacuzzi Dark rooms Cruising zone
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The friendly Heaven Sauna located at gay area Silom and welcomes everybody without an attitude. But most visitior are bears and mature guy. Facilities include a small gym, restaurant with bar, open-air jacuzzi, dry sauna, rooftop garden.

Contacts & map

Phone: +66 (0) 2266 9092
Website: www.heavensauna.com
Address: 119 (BIS building, floor 4), Soi Mahesak Silom Road, Bangkok, Thailand
Hits: 3443
Last modified on 20 January 2019
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Users' reviews
Very clean place

Medium sized sauna, very clean, with no unpleasant odors typical of saunas. Staff is nice and friendly. Most visitors are local adult and chubby guys. If you are older, you will enjoy yourself. Very recommended for mature people.

Caucasian visitor

Rude reception, but guys handing out towels were friendly.I was the only non-Asian in the sauna and felt shunned like never before, sometimes aggressively.,I usually have really good experiences in saunas but this one was loathsome

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