Kuala Lumpur - pure confluence of malay gay life

Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia and at the same time one of its largest cities. More than 2 million people live in the capital. The main citie's population is Malays (over 60%), the other largest diasporas are Chinese and various South Indian peoples.
Every year the capital of Malaysia is visited by over 10 million tourists. Tourists are attracted to Kuala Lumpur by a developed tourist infrastructure, availability of affordable goods and services, convenient interstate routes. The city has a rich tourist infrastructure including museums, galleries, exhibitions, architectural objects, parks, entire streets, markets, restaurants and entertainment facilities.
Unfortunately, the infrastructure of gay entertainment leaves much to be desired. However, even in the capital of a muslim country gay tourist can find many interesting places.

Gay map Kuala Lumpur

We suggest you to use the map of gay Kuala Lumpur where we marked all spots and venues for LGBT we only could find. Click on marker to open popup and find details of spot.

Gay spots Kuala Lumpur

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